Publications Resulting from MBRACE Funding


Smith RS, Pruett JL. 2025. Oyster restoration to recover ecosystem services. Annual Review of Marine Science 17:10.1-10.31. Link

Islam MS, Dash P, Nur AM, Ahmad H, Panda RM, et al. 2025. Estimation of chlorophyll-a in uncrewed aircraft systems imagery using autonomous surface vessel data with machine learning algorithms and feature selection techniques. Ecological Informatics. 85:102954. Link



Bhattarai S, Parajuli P, Linhoss A. 2024. Integrated Modeling Approach to Assess Freshwater Inflow Impact on Coastal Water Quality. Water. 16(21):3012. Link


Cambazoglu MK, Armstrong BN, Wiggert JD. 2024. Development of a daily coastal ocean model for Mississippi Sound and Bight. Ocean Dynamics 74:987-1004. Link


Klein JC, Powell EN, Kreeger DA, Zhang X, Pace SM, Kuykendall KM, Thomas RL. 2024. Model estimation of eastern oyster larval performance from food quantity and quality measures in western Mississippi Sound. Marine Ecology Progress Series 745:73–94. Link


Klein JC, Powell EN, Zhang X, Kreeger DA, Thomas RL, Pace SM. 2024. Examining the relationship of biochemically-derived oyster larval food supply metrics with concurrent optically-derived seston properties in Mississippi Sound. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 309:108949. Link


Moore WS, Benitez-Nelson C, Schutte C, Moody A, Shiller A, Sibert RJ, Joye S. 2024. SGD-OD: investigating the potential oxygen demand of submarine groundwater discharge in coastal systems. Scientific Reports 19:9249. Link


Moody A, Moore WS, Pierce T, Shiller AM. 2024. The effects of submarine groundwater discharge and the Bonnet Carré Spillway on nutrient dynamics in the western Mississippi Sound. Science of The Total Environment 953:176080. Link


Pruett JL, Showalter Otts S, Willett KL, Fairbanks L, Darnell KM, Gochfeld DJ. 2024. A past, present, and future outlook on the Mississippi oyster fishery. Journal of Shellfish Research 43:1-13. Link


Wilson SJ, Moody A, McKenzie T, Cardenas MB, Luijendijk E, et al. 2024. Global subterranean estuaries modify groundwater nutrient loading to the ocean. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 9(4):411–22. Link



Bhattarai S, Parajuli PB, To F. 2023. Comparison of flood frequency at different climatic scenarios in coastal forested watersheds. Climate 11(2):41.  Link


Bhattarai S, Parajuli PB. 2023. Best management practices affect water quality in coastal watersheds. Sustainability15(5):4045. Link


Boudreaux C, Pruett JL, Carpenter A, Willett KL, Gochfeld DJ. 2023. Effect of ploidy on salinity and temperature tolerance in early life stages of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica). Aquaculture Reports 32:101723. Link


Kamowski M, Mojica K, Lange K, Zhang X. 2023. Refractive index and volume fractions of various cellular components of plankton. Optics Express 31:35892-35907. Link


Klein JC, Powell EN, Kreeger DA, Ashton-Alcox KA, Bushek D, Zhang X, Thomas RL, Klinck JM, Hofmann EE. 2023. Modeling performance and settlement windows of larval Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in Delaware Bay. Journal of Shellfish Research 42:437-463. Link


Sankar MS, Dash P, Lu Y, Hu X, Mercer AE, Wickramarathna S, Beshah WT, Sanders SL, Arslan Z, Dyer J, Moorhead RJ. 2023. Seasonal changes of trace elements, nutrients, dissolved organic matter, and coastal acidification over the largest oyster reef in the Western Mississippi Sound, USA. Environmental Monitoring Assessment 195:175. Link


Wontor K, Cizdziel, JV, Scircle A, Gochfeld DJ, Pandelides AF. 2023. Prevalence and distribution of microplastics in oysters from the Mississippi Sound. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education 177:31-45. Link



Morgan LM, Rakocinski CF. 2022. Predominance of factors limiting the recovery of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in western Mississippi Sound, USA. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 264:107652. Link

Pruett J, Pandelides AF, Keylon J, Willett K, Showalter Otts S, Gochfeld D. 2022. Life stage-dependent effects of multiple flood-associated stressors on a coastal foundational species. Ecosphere 13:e4343. Link


Pruett JL, Pandelides AF, Willett KL, Gochfeld DG. 2021. Effects of flood-associated stressors on growth and survival of early life stage oysters (Crassostrea virginica). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 544:151615. Link


Wiesenberg DA, Shipp B, Fodrie J, Powers S, Lartigue J, Darnell KM, Baustian MM, Ngo C, Valentine JF, Wowk K. 2021. Prospects for Gulf of Mexico environmental recovery and restoration. Oceanography (Special Issue on the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative: Ten Years of Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science) 34: 164-173. Link



Barnett AF, Gledhill JH, Griffitt RJ, Slattery M, Gochfeld DJ, Willett KL. 2020. Combined and independent effects of hypoxia and tributyltin on mRNA expression and physiology of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica). Scientific Reports 10:10605. Link


Gledhill J, Barnett AF, Slattery M, Willett KL, Easson G, Showalter Otts S, Gochfeld DJ. 2020. Mass mortality of eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica in the western Mississippi Sound following unprecedented Mississippi River flooding in 2019. Journal of Shellfish Research 39:235-244. Link


Paul V, Sankar MS, Vattikuti S, Dash P, Arslan Z. 2020. Pollution assessment and land use cover influence on trace metal distribution in sediments from five aquatic systems in southern USA. Chemosphere 264: 128243. Link



Ali A, Ali K, Ukpebor A, Hasan M, Addy J, Ikome O, Abu-El Humos A. 2019. Hardware and software components of an oysters’ gape measurement system. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12:319-32. Link


How to Access MBRACE-Funded Data

Investigators funded by MBRACE are required to upload project data to the Gulf of Mexico Research Inititative Information and Data Cooperative (GRIIDC) data management system. Data can be accessed on the GRIIDC website by searching for the Funding Organization “MBRACE”.