Optical Observation of Oyster Larvae (O3L)
Principal Investigators: Xiaodong Zhang (The University of Southern Mississippi), Eric Powell (USM)
Team Members: Sara Pace, Allison Mojzis, Kevin Martin, Thomas Wissing, Michael Kamowski, Kacey Lange, James Klein, Stephanie Stromp
Award Amount: $449,907
Project Description
Develop an optical observation system measuring the complete set of the inherent optical properties in the Mississippi Sound to monitor and predict oyster larvae performance as measured by growth and survival at metamorphosis.
Why it is Important:
This study addresses a critical research gap in understanding recruitment to oyster reefs and their sustainable management in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. In particular, our specific focus on oyster larvae is of timely relevance given that the recent influx of fresh water due to the opening of the Bonnet Carré spillway that has all but destroyed the adult oyster stock in the Mississippi Sound. Consequently, recovery of the estuary and rebuilding of the oyster stock depends heavily on the availability of oyster larvae and their success at metamorphosis.
Expected Outcomes and Management Impacts:
This project will establish theoretical foundation and guide technical solutions via optical observation to rapidly and regularly identify optimal location conducive to oyster larval survival and predict timing and successful rate of larval metamorphosis at those locations.
Klein, J.C., E.N. Powell, X. Zhang, D.A. Kreeger, R.L. Thomas, S.M. Pace. 2024. Examining the relationship of biochemically-derived oyster larval food supply metrics with concurrent optically-derived seston properties in Mississippi Sound. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 309:108949, 14 pp.
Klein, J.C., E.N. Powell, D.A. Kreeger, X. Zhang, S.M. Pace, K.M. Kuykendall, R.L. Thomas. 2024. Model estimation of eastern oyster larval performance from food quantity and quality measures in western Mississippi Sound. Marine Ecology Progress Series 745:73-94.
Klein JC, Powell EN, Zhang X, Kreeger DA, Wissing TP “Estimating oyster larval development and success at metamorphosis in the western Mississippi Sound” 115th National Shellfish Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 26-30 2023
Klein,JC, Powell EN, Zhang X, Kreeger DA, Wissing TP “Modeling oyster larval success to metamorphosis in the Mississippi Sound” Bays and Bayous Symposium, Mobile, AL, January 24-25, 2023
Wissing TP, Zhang X, Klein JC, Powell EN, Lange K, Kamowski M “Optical characterization of water column constituents in support of oyster larval development investigations” Bays and Bayous Symposium, Mobile, AL, January 24, 2023
Wissing TP, Zhang X, Powell EN “Optical observations for oyster larvae (O3L)” Gulf of Mexico Conference (GOMCON), Baton Rouge, LA, April 25-28, 2022
Klein JK, Powell EN, Zhang X, Kreeger DA, Pace SM “Modeling oyster larval survivorship and success to metamorphosis in the Mississippi Sound via in situ optical observations of food quality metrics” Benthic Ecology Meeting, Portsmouth, NH, March 29 – April 2, 2022
Kacey Lange (2022), Investigating the contribution of marine viruses to optical backscatter in the < 0.2 µm fraction of seawater, Master of Science Thesis, Division of Marine Science, University of Southern Mississippi